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Txt y pdf / Texts & pdf
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Text by Rodrigo Alonso
Pabellon4, Buenos Aires
Text by Javier Pelacoff and Eugenia Viña
Pabellon4, Buenos Aires
Brief for future shows.
Please download and contact us
Text by Evelyn Marquez
Pabellon4, Buenos Aires
Text by Maria Carolina Baulo
Artemisa Gallery, New York
Text by Nina Staehli and A. Thornton
2015 - Lucerne, Switzerland.
Mock Galeria, Bs As.
KCAC, Kansas City, MO. USA
Textt by Fabiana Barreda
Textos de Carolina Lara,
Sergio Gonzalez Valenzuela y Eduardo Pellejero
Texto de Veronica D´Ósualdo
Textos de Fabiana Barreda y Eduardo Pellejero
Textos de Eduardo Pellejero
Textos de Gloria Bordons y
Juan Carlos Romero

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