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Ups & down (2018)

Video monocanal HD. Duracion: 1´00"

ups downs.jpg

"Life is a highway and I'm gonna ride it
Every day's a winding road yeah
My rollercoaster's got the biggest ups and downs
As long as it keeps goin' round it's unbelievable "
Extract from the song "Rollercoaster by Kimya Dowson.


El trabajo toma imágenes de Internet que valen para explicar el sistema en el que vivimos y el llamado "humor de los mercados" a la hora de operar siguiendo instintos egoistas, ligados a la autosatisfaccion y a la superviviencia de la sensacion de bienestar bajo cualquier costo.

The work takes images of the Internet that are used to explain the system in which we live and the so-called "market humor" when operating following selfish instincts, linked to self-satisfaction and the survival of the feeling of well-being at any cost.

Ups & downs (2018)

Video monocanal, 1´00".

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